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MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD reaches new milestones in TEA Special Education Agreed Order

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD has now completed nearly two-thirds of the priorities outlined in the Texas Education Agency Special Education Agreed Order. Why it matters: This marks a significant milestone in ongoing efforts to improve outcomes for students with…

Despite significant systemic improvements, issues persist, according to special education audit (En español)

As part of the TEA Order regarding special education, MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD underwent an audit conducted by Stetson & Associates this spring. What they found: The audit outlines significant strides made to improve special education services for students, as…

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD clears backlog of delayed special education evaluations (En español)

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD is caught up on the backlog of evaluations and compensatory services that brought about TEA intervention last school year.  This major milestone has been vetted by our TEA monitors and verified by TEA.

Past Due Special Education Evaluations Decreased by 82% Over Last Year (En español)

Roughly a year into implementing our comprehensive plan to address the backlog of Special Education evaluations to better meet the needs of students with disabilities, we’re beginning to see clear signs that the plan is working.  By the Numbers:…

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD meets key milestones in eliminating Special Education evaluation backlog (En español)

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD meets key milestones in eliminating Special Education evaluation backlog MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD has met major milestones in the agreed order with TEA to address issues around meeting the needs of students with disabilities. 

Texas Education Agency names monitors to support MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Special Education (En español)

On Thursday, Oct. 5, the Texas Education Agency appointed Sherry Marsh and Lesa Shocklee as the monitors who will oversee the work of the district's Special Education department. Their role will include:

Board approves Special Education final negotiated order from TEA (En español)

Dear MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Community,  Last night, by a vote of 8-1, our board approved the final, negotiated order from TEA regarding the oversight of Special Education in MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD.

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Board of Trustees

Message from board President Trustee Singh (En Español)

Dear MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Community, we’ve been committed to keeping you informed on developments related to the Texas Education Agency’s investigation into MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Special Education, which has been ongoing since 2020. 

District weighs options from TEA around Special Education (En español)

Last week the board of trustees held a Public Hearing on Special Education to receive public comment and discuss TEA’s alternative plan in place of a possible conservatorship over special education.

MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Board of Trustees addresses new TEA plan for special education (en español)

Aug. 30, 2023 Dear MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Community: Today, the Texas Education Agency has presented an alternative plan for MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD to consider in place of a possible conservatorship over special education.  We look forward to thoroughly and thoughtfully…


Interim Superintendent Matias Segura addresses new TEA plan for special education (en español)

Aug. 30, 2023 Dear MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD Community: After several months of hard work and productive conversations, the Texas Education Agency has provided MDÍø±¬ÃÅ ISD with an alternative pathway in place of a possible conservatorship over Special Education.  We…

An Update on Special Education (En español)

An Update on Special Education